Change of register

The change of a ship register is the administrative act through a ship is authorised to hoist the national flag.

In several times it is just a bureaucratic and the modifications and refits to be made to the ship are minor or small. But in other cases the modifications to be made to the ship are so important that might cause the purchase of the ship to be inadvisable.

It is recommendable the advice of a naval architect before closing the ship or boat purchasing operation, in order to be assisted about the state of the ship and the modifications to be done, reporting the aditional cost it could have.

In our design consultancy we make change of register of ships and boats both recreational and professional, to be registered in the Spanish register or in a third country register.

Change of register of recreational boats

Recreational crafts for non commercial use (7th register)

The registration of a recreational boat in 7th register is governed by the REAL DECRETO 544/2007.

To commercialize a recreational boat in the European Union, she has to be CE marked.

The existing boats previously registered in the European Union without CE marked, could be registered in 7th register if one of the following items is fulfiled:

  • The boat has a certificate issued by the Spanish Administration prior to 2nd June 1992.
  • The boat has a homologation certificate issued by the Spanish Administration.
  • The boat has a case by case construction certificate issued by the Spanish Administration.
  • A project made and signed by a competent professional, according to the Real Decreto 1837/2000, proving that the boat fulfil the rules and regulations.

Recreational crafts engaged in commercial use (6th register)

The process for changing of flag of a recreational craft engaged in commercial use is a bit different than the above mentioned. It is necessary to prepare the craft to fulfill all the Spanish regulations for such kind of service and prove it.

Change of register of non-recreational ships

The ship shall meet all the requirements stablished by the Authorities for such kind of ship and a project shall be made and signed by a competent professional, according to the Real Decreto 1837/2000, proving that the boat fulfil the rules and regulations.

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